As a society, we’re obsessed with losing weight, but we often forget that we need protein to keep our muscles and bones healthy, if you lose weight without taking your muscles in to consideration, you might end up a frail mess.

  1. Chicken Breast: Not only is chicken breast packed with protein, but it’s also lean, which makes it perfect for weight loss. You can also use turkey instead of chicken, it is slightly leaner with a few more grams of protein in it…just don’t over cook it or it will be as dry as my Instagram DM’s.

  2. Fish: Fish is a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which have numerous health benefits. Just make sure you don’t eat any fish that’s out of date, otherwise, you might be shedding more than just a few pounds.

  3. Tofu: For all you vegetarians and vegans out there, tofu is an excellent source of protein. But let’s be real, it tastes like a bland sponge. So, if you’re going to eat tofu, make sure to season it well, or you’ll be crying yourself to sleep at night.

  4. Lentils: Lentils are high in protein and fibre, which makes them a great option for weight loss. Plus, they’re super cheap, so you won’t have to sell your soul to Tesco just to eat healthy.

  5. Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt is an excellent source of protein, and it’s also packed with probiotics, which are good for your gut health. Just be careful not to buy any with added sugar, or you could end up undoing all your weight loss efforts.

Incorporating these five sources of protein into your diet can help you achieve your weight loss goals. Just remember to season your tofu, watch out for off fish, and avoid sugary yogurts. Happy dieting!